



    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    50 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 98,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days


    Emulsion - Pflege und Schutz für die jugendliche und normale, eher trockene Mischhaut.

    • Wirkungsweise - Auf natürlichen Elementen aufgebaute Schönheitscreme mit Aloe-Blattsaft und Seiden-Hydrolysat. Die speziellen Inhaltsstoffe wirken ausgleichend und die Elastizität fördernd. Pflegt die Haut weich und geschmeidig. Die regelmäßige Anwendung zeigt schon bald sichtbare Erfolge: kleine Fältchen erscheinen geglättet, der Teint wirkt frisch und jugendlich.
    • Wirkstoffe - Aloe-Vera-Gel, Meeresseiden-Hydrolysat, Panthenol, hautfreundliche Öle und Fette in einer Emulsion Wasser-in-Öl.
    • Anwendung - Nach gründlicher Reinigung auftragen und nachts einwirken lassen.

    50 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 118,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    Biocosmetic - Lichtschutzfaktor SPF 2

    Atropische Haut. Anspruchsvolle, pflegebedürftige Haut.

    • Wirkungsweise - Ausgleichende Feuchtigkeitscreme mit Aosa-Algen-Extrakten und Vitamin E. ALGRA DAY CREAM wird schnell von der Haut aufgenommen und kontrolliert ihren Feuchtigkeitsgehalt. Wirkungsmechanismus durch Wachstumsimpulse.
    • Wirkstoffe - Vitamin E, Panthenol, Mandelöl, Traubenkernöl, Naturextrakte aus Thymus Vulgaris (Thymian) und Aosa-Algen (Aosa rigida), hautfreundliche Öle und Fette in einer Wasser-in-Öl-Emulsion.
    • Anwendung - Nach gründlicher Reinigung als Tagescreme auftragen.

    50 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 78,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days


    Feuchtigkeitscreme für trockene Haut und Mischhaut.

    • Wirkungsweise - Exotische Erfrischungsmaske in Gelform. Kühlt angenehm, strafft und erfrischt.
    • Wirkstoffe - Ananas- Mango und Papaya-Extrakt, Panthenol.

      - milde Fruchtsäuren, Vitamine und Enzyme
      - aufgrund des hohen Säuregehaltes milder Peeling- und Emollient-Effekt
      - wirkt erfrischend


      - Vitamine, Aminosäuren, Spurenelemente, zur Revitalusierung der Haut
      - beruhigend und pflegend, speichert Feuchtigkeit
      - erhöht die Zellteilungsrate
      - verbessert die Regeneration der Haut nach Schädigung

    • Anwendung - Mit Pinsel auftragen,10 bis 15 Minuten einwirken lassen, restliches Gel einmassieren.

  • CHAKRAS d7


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "I let go, I relax. Strength of mind, inner insight, forward thinking and recognizing life's opportunities are my goals."

    A luxurious BEAUTY PACK that is both nurturing and protective. Made with the best basic and active ingredients bioactive principles available at all - natural plant extracts, provided with natural colors and natural aromas from the DORISSIMA ORGANIC ALPS d1 - d7 line. A product that works holistically - Holistic -Treatment.
    • Application - Ideal as a finishing treatment after a massage with Dorissima d1 – d7 BODY & MASSAGE OIL. Use as a body pack or finishing cream massage. The pack binds and preserves the oil - leaving the skin buttery soft and velvety. This versatile pack is also a wonderful detoxifying and nourishing exfoliant when combined with Himalayan Salt!
  • CHAKRAS d6


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "I let go, I relax. Intuition, creative power and imagination are my goal."

    A luxurious BEAUTY PACK that nourishes and protects at the same time. Made with the best basic and active ingredients bioactive principles available at all - natural plant extracts, provided with natural colors and natural aromas from the DORISSIMA ORGANIC ALPS d1 - d7 line. A product that works holistically - Holistic -Treatment.
    • Application - Ideal as a finishing treatment after a massage with Dorissima d1 – d7 BODY & MASSAGE OIL. Use as a body pack or finishing cream massage. The pack binds and preserves the oil - leaving the skin buttery soft and velvety. This versatile pack is also a wonderful detoxifying and nourishing exfoliant when combined with Himalayan Salt!
  • CHAKRAS d5


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "I let go, I relax. Body awareness, vitality, joie de vivre and enthusiasm are my goals."

    A luxurious BEAUTY PACK that nourishes and protects at the same time. Made with the best basic and active ingredients bioactive principles available at all - natural plant extracts, provided with natural colors and natural aromas from the DORISSIMA ORGANIC ALPS d1 - d7 line. A product that works holistically - Holistic -Treatment.
    • Application - Ideal as a finishing treatment after a massage with SIDDHARTHA BODY & MASSAGE OIL. Use as a body pack or finishing cream massage. The pack binds and preserves the oil - leaving the skin buttery soft and velvety. The versatile pack is also a wonderful detoxifying and nourishing exfoliant when combined with Himalayan Salt!
  • CHAKRAS d4


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "I let go and relax. My goals: Love, warmth, tolerance, creativity, self-confidence and spontaneity."

    A luxurious BEAUTY PACK, cares for and protects your skin at the same time. It uses the best basic and active ingredients available – natural plant extracts with natural colour and natural aromas from DORISSIMA CHAKRAS d1- d7 Line. A holistic treatment product.
    • Application - Ideal as a final after a massage with Dorissima d1 – d7 BODY & MASSAGE OIL. As a Body wrap or a Finishing-Cream-Massage. The Pack bended and conserved the oil – the skin will be smoothly and velvety. The versatility Pack is also associated with Himalayan Salt a wonderful detoxicating and nurturing Exfoliant!
  • CHAKRAS d3


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "let go and relax. My goals: self-confidence and spontaneity."

    A luxurious BEAUTY PACK, cares for and protects your skin at the same time. It uses the best basic and active ingredients available – natural plant extracts with natural colour and natural aromas from DORISSIMA CHAKRAS d1- d7 Line. A holistic treatment product.
    • Application - Ideal as a final after a massage with Dorissima d1 – d7 BODY & MASSAGE OIL. As a Body wrap or a Finishing-Cream-Massage. The Pack bended and conserved the oil – the skin will be smoothly and velvety. The versatility Pack is also associated with Himalayan Salt a wonderful detoxicating and nurturing Exfoliant!
  • CHAKRAS d2


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "I let go and relax. My goals: body awareness, vitality, joy of living and enthusiasm."

    A luxurious BEAUTY PACK, cares for and protects your skin at the same time. It uses the best basic and active ingredients available – natural plant extracts with natural colour and natural aromas from DORISSIMA CHAKRAS d1- d7 Line. A holistic treatment product.
    • Application - Ideal as a final after a massage with Dorissima d1 – d7 BODY & MASSAGE OIL. As a Body wrap or a Finishing-Cream-Massage. The Pack bended and conserved the oil – the skin will be smoothly and velvety. The versatility Pack is also associated with Himalayan Salt a wonderful detoxicating and nurturing Exfoliant!
  • CHAKRAS d7


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d7 ESSENZ is the extract from the d7 Body Oil With the ingredients: lemon, ylang ylang, frankincense, myrtle, patchouli the 7th chakra is addressed - the crown chakra - Sahasrara
    Inner Insight, Forward Thinking.
  • CHAKRAS d4


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d4 ESSENCE is the extract from the d4 Body Oil With the ingredients: vanilla, lavender, ginger, grapefruit, mint the 4th chakra is addressed - the heart chakra - Anahata
    love, warmth, tolerance, creativity, spontaneity.
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