

  • CHAKRAS d1


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d1 ESSENSE is the extract from the d1 Body Oil With the ingredients: mandarin, neroli, rose and honey the 1st chakra is addressed - the root chakra - Muladhara
    power, vitality, endurance, assertiveness.
  • CHAKRAS d2


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d2 ESSENCE is the extract from the d2 Body Oil With the ingredients: Ylang Ylang, Orange, Lemon grass, Coreander
    power, Body awareness, vitality, joy of living, enthusiasm.
  • CHAKRAS d3


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d3 ESSENCE is the extract from the d3 Body Oil With the ingredients: Frankincense, Lemon, Orange, Vanilla the 3st chakra is addressed – the Solar plexus chakra- Manipura
    power, Empathy, Increasing self-confidence, spontaneity.
  • CHAKRAS d4


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d4 ESSENCE is the extract from the d4 Body Oil With the ingredients: vanilla, lavender, ginger, grapefruit, mint the 4th chakra is addressed - the heart chakra - Anahata
    love, warmth, tolerance, creativity, spontaneity.
  • CHAKRAS d7


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d7 ESSENZ is the extract from the d7 Body Oil With the ingredients: lemon, ylang ylang, frankincense, myrtle, patchouli the 7th chakra is addressed - the crown chakra - Sahasrara
    Inner Insight, Forward Thinking.
    SAFRAN d3

     17,00 145,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The Super Pile Towels and bathrobes are among the most luxurious bath linens in the world: the cotton is piled high. With exceptionally long fibers from the finest 100% Giza Extra Long Staple Egyptian cotton, they are unmatched and renowned for extra softness, absorbency, and durability.

     17,00 145,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The Super Pile Towels and bathrobes are among the most luxurious bath linens in the world: the cotton is piled high. With exceptionally long fibers from the finest 100% Giza Extra Long Staple Egyptian cotton, they are unmatched and renowned for extra softness, absorbency, and durability.
    SPICY d1

     17,00 145,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The Super Pile Towels and bathrobes are among the most luxurious bath linens in the world: the cotton is piled high. With exceptionally long fibers from the finest 100% Giza Extra Long Staple Egyptian cotton, they are unmatched and renowned for extra softness, absorbency, and durability.

     17,00 145,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The Super Pile Towels and bathrobes are among the most luxurious bath linens in the world: the cotton is piled high. With exceptionally long fibers from the finest 100% Giza Extra Long Staple Egyptian cotton, they are unmatched and renowned for extra softness, absorbency, and durability.

     17,00 145,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The Super Pile Towels and bathrobes are among the most luxurious bath linens in the world: the cotton is piled high. With exceptionally long fibers from the finest 100% Giza Extra Long Staple Egyptian cotton, they are unmatched and renowned for extra softness, absorbency, and durability.
    WHITE d7

     17,00 145,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The Super Pile Towels and bathrobes are among the most luxurious bath linens in the world: the cotton is piled high. With exceptionally long fibers from the finest 100% Giza Extra Long Staple Egyptian cotton, they are unmatched and renowned for extra softness, absorbency, and durability.
  • ROSE d1
    140 g


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 5,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Love it, love it not?   Roses are tricky: They can be a beautiful declaration of love, or awkwardly kitschy. The scent of roses is similar. In its original form, it’s the sweetest scent you can imagine. But many of the rose fragrances out there are far too overpowering, heavy and, above all, too sweet. Anybody who has sniffed a real rose will know that its fragrance is exactly the opposite. As is our natural Rose soap which has a base recipe composed of organic coconut, olive, palm kernel, hemp, and jojoba oils, refined with natural rose fragrance. It is flowery without being sweet, powerful without being heavy, and romantic without being kitschy.
    240 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Kaum ein anderer Duft symbolisiert so gut Dr. Bronner´s Wurzeln in der amerikanischen Hippie-Bewegung- die Zeit der Bewusstwerdung unserer Verantwortung gegenüber anderen und der Umwelt. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass dieser selbstbewusste und maskuline Duft heute wieder verstärkt nachgefragt wird. Für unsere Körperlotion haben wir ihm mit der Limette einen erfrischenden Partner zur Seite gestellt, durch den das Ergebnis an Schwere verliert und in einem ausbalancierten und überzeugenden Duft mündet. Patchouli 2.0 quasi. Durch eine Komposition biologischer Kokos-, Jojoba-, Avocado und Hanfölen mit mildem ätherischen Bio-Patchouli- und Bio-Limettenöl verleiht diese besondere Körperlotion der Haut außergewöhnlich viel Feuchtigkeit und hält sie wunderbar weich. Die leichte und dennoch reichhaltige Lotion zieht schnell ein ohne zu fetten.


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The fragrance in each of our care product lines brings out the sun. If you like fresh, stimulating aromas, you’ll love the energizing mix of organic lemongrass oil and lime oil. The organic essential oils have a subtle yet distinctive fragrance, while organic cane sugar delivers a beautifully creamy texture and is a fantastic moisturizer too. It also contains organic shikakai extract from the seed pods of the Southeast Asian Acacia concinna which has already been used in India for millennia as a gentle Ayurvedic treatment for skin and hair. Its nurturing effect shines through in our organic Sugar Soap. That’s how our caramel-colored pump soap ensures optimal cleansing for your whole body.
    240 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Lavender kisses coconut. Who would have thought that the fragrances of these two care experts would harmonize so well together? The flower of summers in Provence combines beautifully with the velvety smoothness of Asia’s fine nut oils – with a wonderfully balanced result. Thanks to a composition of organic coconut, jojoba, avocado, and hemp oils with mild organic lavender essential oil, this special body lotion is ultra-hydrating for the skin and keeps it wonderfully soft. The light but rich lotion is quickly absorbed and non-greasy.
    240 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    When nothing else works, this body lotion will get your body ready for the day. The freshness of the mint overcomes the tiredness of the skin that instantly has to make way for a fresh coolness that accompanies you throughout the day. There is hardly any other scent that is so on-trend as peppermint – whether it’s in shampoo, shower gel or a lotion. Thanks to a composition of organic coconut, jojoba, avocado, and hemp oils with organic peppermint essential oil, this special body lotion is ultra-hydrating for the skin and keeps it wonderfully soft. The light but rich lotion is quickly absorbed and non-greasy.
  • Bio Sugar Soap Baby-Mild


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Developed for sensitive baby skin, this soap is a faithful companion for anybody whose skin needs extra care, so it’s ideal for allergy-sufferers or those with ultra-sensitive skin. That’s why we haven’t included any essential oils as fragrances. The organic cane sugar is a fantastic moisturizer and gives this product its beautifully creamy, caramel-colored texture. It also contains organic shikakai extract from the seed pods of the Southeast Asian Acacia concinna which has already been used in India for millennia as a gentle Ayurvedic treatment for skin and hair. That’s what makes our organic Sugar Soap the perfect, nurturing cleanser for your whole body.


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Our organic Peppermint Sugar Soap knows a trick or two. The organic peppermint oil it contains provides a blast of freshness and its fragrance is energizing. Combined with brown organic cane sugar which moisturizes and provides the soap’s beautiful texture, and Ayurvedic organic shikakai powder, your skin will be velvety-smooth. Organic shikakai extract from the seed pods of the Southeast Asian Acacia concinna has already been used in India for millennia as a gentle Ayurvedic treatment for skin and hair. It ensures that the caramel-colored pump soap gently cleanses the entire body while the organic peppermint essential oil provides the mind with maximum refreshment.


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The scent of lavender is unmistakable and distinctive. But it’s still one of the most soothing fragrances. There is a good reason why people have been using it since time immemorial to help them relax. Our organic Sugar Soap combines organic lavender essential oil with organic cane sugar that both provides a wonderful, creamy texture and is a fantastic moisturizer. It also contains organic shikakai extract from the seed pods of the Southeast Asian Acacia concinna which has already been used in India for millennia as a gentle Ayurvedic treatment for skin and hair. That’s why our caramel-colored pump soap delivers both perfect cleansing for the whole body and soothing time-out for the mind.


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Whether it’s for cuts or skin complaints like acne, dermatitis or psoriasis – organic tea tree oil really works magic; its antiseptic effect helps to cure or at least relieve. It has a highly distinctive fragrance and a delicious natural piquancy. Once you’ve taken it into your heart, you’ll never want to be without it again. In our organic Sugar Soap, organic tea tree essential oil meets organic cane sugar. The latter provides the wonderfully creamy caramel-colored texture and is a great moisturizer. It also contains organic shikakai extract from the seed pods of the Southeast Asian Acacia concinna which has already been used in India for millennia as a gentle Ayurvedic treatment for skin and hair.
    240 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 14,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The scent of lavender is unmistakable and distinctive. But it’s still one of the most soothing fragrances. There is a good reason why people have been using it since time immemorial to help them relax. Our organic Sugar Soap combines organic lavender essential oil with organic cane sugar that both provides a wonderful, creamy texture and is a fantastic moisturizer. It also contains organic shikakai extract from the seed pods of the Southeast Asian Acacia concinna which has already been used in India for millennia as a gentle Ayurvedic treatment for skin and hair. That’s why our caramel-colored pump soap delivers both perfect cleansing for the whole body and soothing time-out for the mind.
    60 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 7,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    Dr. Bronner's Fair Trade Hand Hygiene Spray on the hands and rub thoroughly until the spray is absorbed. Provides a pleasant skin care sensation without leaving a residue, with more than 500 spray uses per bottle.

    Safety advice: Flammable. Keep away from sources of ignition. Do not store above 40C°. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Available in lavender and peppermint

    140 g


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 5,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft!

    Der Duft von Lavendel ist unverkennbar und direkt. Und dennoch dabei so beruhigend wie wenige andere Düfte. Nicht umsonst begleitet er die Menschheit schon seit ewigen Zeiten als Mittel zur Entspannung. Auch in unserer Naturseife, dessen Basisrezeptur eine Komposition aus biologischen Kokos-, Oliven-, Palm-, Hanf- und Jojobaölen enthält, hat das ätherische Bio-Lavendelöl eine beruhigende Wirkung auf Geist und Körper und sorgt somit für die nötige Bettschwere oder aber für einen friedlichen Start in den Tag…

  • Abyss MUST Bathmat – COTTON

     155,00 225,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    MUST bath mats belong to the most popular bath mats with the highest quality in Portugal. Matching towelling can be found in the category "Super Pile". This bath mat is produced in tufted pure cotton with a quality of 2.000 g/m². The MUST collection is available in 60 colours; customized measurements are possible. Please request your individual measurements by e-mail. The price per m² is 290 Euro. Maximum width 135 cm, maximum length 350 cm. Minimum order of 0,4 m² is required. Pile height 25 mm Recommended washing temperature max. 40° C
  • Abyss REVERSIBLE bath rug – cotton

     175,00 232,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    This bathroom carpet is made of 100% pure combed cotton. Weight 2.200 g/qm. It can be used on both sides, mirror-inverted in loop/velour look and velour/loop look. Recommended washing temperature max. 40° C. The REVERSIBLE series is available in 60 colours. Individual sizes are available, please inquire by e-mail. Minimum size is 0.4 sqm. Maximum width 135 cm, maximum length 350 cm.
  • Abyss FEUILLE bath rug – cotton


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    You're gonna love this leaf! A real fluffy eye-catcher for your bathroom or bedroom. This beautiful leaf is available in three colours and in size of 65 x 185 cm. Matching the towel colours for Feuille col. 165 (apple green) - apple green col. 165, forest col. 205 and eden col. 291 for Feuille col. 725 (red) - spicy col. 603 and mandarin col. 605 for Feuille col. 770 (lines) - ecru col. 101 and lines col. 770 of the various towel collections from Abyss & Habidecor.
  • Abyss Beach Portofino


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Portofino is made of 100 percent Egyptian cotton, an off-white center with colored trim, a classic and elegant towel. With a matching beach cushion, you can get cozy anywhere on the beach.
  • Abyss Beach Cannes


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Our beach towel ‘Cannes’ has it all: elegant and daring. Available in 5 delicious trendy colors, Atlantic, Cadette Blue, Spicy, Mandarin and Taupe that match the Abyss & Habidecor color board. Woven of 100% extra long staple Egyptian cotton to embrace your skin after a cool dip in the pool. Marked with steady stripes to give an extra dimension to your beach afternoon.
  • Abyss DOUBLE Bathmat – pure cotton


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    The bathmat DOUBLE in a casual design is, as the name implies, made of two layers sewn together and can be used on both sides. Double from Abyss & Habidecor consists of 100% pure Egyptian cotton Giza 70, weight 1.200 g / m2. In the DOUBLE series are 60 colours and 2 sizes available. Matching to this you will find the colour-coordinated Abyss SUPER PILE and TWILL towels and bathrobes. Also request dimensions are possible, please ask by e-mail or phone.
  • CHAKRAS d5


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "I let go, I relax. Communication skills, concentration skills and rational thinking are my goals."

    • Effect - The natural aroma essences of the d1 - d7 Body & Massage Oils have a harmonizing, stimulating, uplifting or calming effect. With the d1 - d7 Body & Massage Oils there is the right "elixir" for every individual situation. Color is energy, it influences body, mind and soul. Each of the seven colors has its own character and a very special effect on psyche and soul. According to these seven colors, the d1 - d7 Body & Massage Oils are matched with the appropriate essential oils for body, mind and soul. The colors are exclusively natural dyes derived from plants.
    • Active ingredients - Jojoba Oil, Orange, Carrot, Anise, Fennel, Vitamin Complex
    • Application - Massage gently into the skin as needed.
  • CHAKRAS d6


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 79,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    "I let go, I relax. Intuition, creative power and imagination are my goals."

    • Effect - The natural aroma essences of the d1 - d7 Body & Massage Oils have a harmonizing, stimulating, uplifting or calming effect. With the d1 - d7 Body & Massage Oils there is the right "elixir" for every individual situation. Color is energy, it influences body, mind and soul. Each of the seven colors has its own character and a very special effect on psyche and soul. According to these seven colors, the d1 - d7 Body & Massage Oils are matched with the appropriate essential oils for body, mind and soul. The colors are exclusively natural dyes derived from plants.
    • Active ingredients - Jojoba Oil, Angelica, Lavender, Chamomile, Rose
    • Application - Massage gently into the skin as needed.
  • CHAKRAS d5


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d5 ESSENZ is the extract from the d5 Body Oil With the ingredients: orange, carrot, anise, fennel the 5th chakra is addressed - the throat chakra - Vissudha
    ability to concentrate, rational thinking.
  • CHAKRAS d6


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 390,00 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    An essence is a basic substance in alchemy.

    DORISSIMA d6 ESSENZ is the extract from the d6 body oil With the ingredients: angelica, lavender, chamomile, rose the 6th chakra is addressed - the brow chakra - Ajna
    intuition, imagination.
    60 ml


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 7,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    Dr. Bronner's Fair Trade Hand Hygiene Spray on the hands and rub thoroughly until the spray is absorbed. Provides a pleasant skin care sensation without leaving a residue, with more than 500 spray uses per bottle. Safety advice: Flammable. Keep away from sources of ignition. Do not store above 40C°. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Available in lavender and peppermint
  • PURE d7
    140 g


    Includes 19% MwSt.
    ( 5,90 / 100 ml)
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days

    Weich wie ein Baby-Popo!

    Für die Sensibilität von Babyhaut entwickelt ist diese Seife ein treuer Begleiter für alle, deren Haut besondere Fürsorge benötigt. Dafür haben wir auf die Zugabe ätherischer Öle als Duftstoff verzichtet und unserer üblichen Komposition aus biologischen Kokos-, Oliven-, Palm-, Hanf- und Jojobaölen einen besonders hohen Anteil an reinem Bio-Olivenöl hinzugegeben. Somit ist die Baby-Mild Naturseife ideal für Menschen mit Allergien und besonders empfindlicher Haut. Dadurch, dass keinerlei chemische Zusätze verwenden, darf unsere reine Seife nicht in die Augen gelangen.

  • Abyss MALIBU bath rug

     350,00 675,00

    Includes 19% MwSt.
    Delivery Time: approx 3-4 Days
    MALIBU bath carpet by Abyss & Habidecor is made of 100% Egyptian Giza cotton. Sizes 70 x 140 cm and 100 x 200 cm Weight 2000 g/m2 The matching towel colours ivory col. 103, ice col. 235, peacock col. 301, lagoon col. 302 and linen col. 770 from the various towel collections by Abyss & Habidecor.
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